Receive Fax Calculator
The formula for receiving faxes is fairly simple and tends to speak for itself. Most businesses will likely receive more faxes on a daily basis than they would usually send. A significant amount of these faxes will be 'junk advertisements' as well as informative ones that would only be read once or twice, and of course amongst all of these there would be the business related ones also. So lets not forget that the 'collective' amount of these faxes is constantly using phone line resources, unnecessary paper as well as expensive toner/ink and any other consumables that fax machines may use these days. It is for the reason we have just described that we have created this calculator, so that you can have the opportunity to clearly compare how much better off your company would be if all faxes arrived electronically and in turn could be stored and sorted the same way emails are. *A top-end fax machine tends to be more efficient in the use of consumables than a typical office fax would, this is mainly due to its high volume nature - we chose this equipment and its costs as it is the most conservative option. Please feel free to enter your own numbers based on your current fax equipment, the results will be clear. |
*Your current monthly fax line rental cost should be also added to this figure. |