Messaging Solutions for a Smarter Future

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TraiTel Wholesale

TraiTel is a true last mile VoIP wholesaler - we terminate all calls ourselves directly into ISDN lines.

Check with your current provider and see if they can make the same claim, and if not; consider what it is you are paying them for.

Many VoIP wholesalers simply resell routes from other, larger, providers. In such a scenario, who has the last word on call quality? And what would you tell your customers if quality started to suffer?

Our equipment

We configure, support, and maintain all our own equipment, which means we offer VoIP quality second to none.

Our pricing

Whatever pricing tier you currently receive, give us a call and see how much extra margin we can give your company.

Our Support

When you sign up for wholesale services you want quantifiable measures of performance. TraiTel provides a comprehensive Service Level Agreement so you can be assured of performance.


Talk to one of our Wholesale Experts now